A Company Of Makers

Based in Cape Town South Africa, Makers Company is a diverse and multi-disciplined creative studio. Everything we do is built on playful collaboration, nurtured creative talent and hard work. We team up with the most innovative global brands to help create unique visual and artistic languages.

Our Team

Co- Founder
Creative Director

Co- Founder
Creative Director


Production Manager


Heart Warmer


Studio Values


Is more than ‘a big new idea.’ True creativity is growing the discipline of allowing yourself the space to seek possibilities.


To help us grow, we learn from the past, look with hope to the future and stay present within the bigger picture.


Good work can only come from minds that play together. Everyone has a voice, a space and place to be ‘us’.


We strive to create a safe space for learning, innovation and experimental play, so we become better and brighter.


We really want to be the type of company you tell your mom about; honest, open and fair right from the get go.


We were made to love, and so we love to make. It's a truth that burns in our hearts, to make because we love.